84th International Session in Trondheim & Røros

The 84th International Session of the EYP, which has taken place in Trondheim & Røros (Norway), has come to an end. During the Committee Work phase the participants discussed topics ranging from European foreign politics to Human rights. After working on their ideas, the proposed resolutions of the delegates were discussed and decided on in the General Assembly.

The 83rd International Session in Laax, Switzerland created the opportunity for delegates to sit in on other committees and share their thoughts on a wider variety of topics than the ones discussed in their own working group. This enabled them to contribute even before the open discussion in the General Assembly and fostered a deeper understanding of a wider range of topics. This past concept was further implemented in Trondheim and improved through small changes like a simplified voting system with colour coded placards, which allowed more enhanced and livelier debates. Furthermore the Head Organisers decided to skip segments which only fulfill a ceremonial role to give more time for discussion.

The daily life during the session was focused on a sustainable use of resources and combined with new details like “liberated food”, which e.g. couldn’t be sold by supermarkets anymore but is still edible.  Due to the good work of the organisers the session was certified with the label ”green event” by the Eco Lighthouse-label.

As a special cultural event the participants experienced the culture of the indigenous Sami people, which are situated between the four countries Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. A traditional joik was written about the session by the Norwegian Sami Marja Mortensson. For pictures and further details follow the official Facebook-page of the session and our Instagram account.