Category About EYP

What role does education play in the European Youth Parliament?

Participant Explaining

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is one of the largest European programmes dedicated to non-formal political education of young Europeans. But what role does education play within our network and what does non-formal political education mean in practice?

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What roles do participants take at a session?

Smiling participants

The European Youth Parliament’s (EYP) main event format is called “sessions” where young people from all over Europe get together. All of the networks’ sessions are run by volunteers who take up different roles during the event. What does such a role entail and what main responsibilities come with them?

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10 things you need to know about EYP

The European Youth Parliament network (EYP) brings young people aged 14 to 28 together across Europe. But who exactly are the people running the network, what are its main activities, and how did it all actually start?

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