Category Events

New training concept for the EYP Summer Academy

The EYP Summer Academy is an international training event gathering representatives from all 40 EYP member countries aiming to support their work in their National Committees by providing training modules for their board members. The Summer Academy will take place from 16th -19th September in Wannsee, Berlin. Every EYP National Committee can select two Board Members to participate in this international training event, designed to strengthen the capacities in the network.

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Successful international Council Meetings in Berlin

From April 29 to May 1st the EYP Council members met in Berlin. In multiple working groups they identified new goals and perspectives for the respective areas Regional Development, Training and Alumni Development, Academics and Education.

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Reconciliation and other security topics in the focus of two International Forums

Committee Work

In 2016, Germany is chairing the Organisation for Cooperation and Security in Europe, short OSCE. On this occasion, the European Youth Parliament brings you two special editions of International Forums in Vienna and Belgrade. From May 18-24, 2016 EYP Austria will host around 150 participants, not only from Europe, but also from other OSCE Member States such as Kazakhstan, USA and Mongolia. From August 10-16, 2016 the second Forum will be organised by by EYP Serbia and take place in Belgrade.

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