Category International Sessions

EYP starts cooperation with UNHCR

unhcr refugee

Questions concerning refugees and migration have become a solid part of public debate since 2015, and will most likely continue to stay on the European political agenda. The European Youth Parliament works to bring European issues closer to young people, and in order to relate topics such as asylum and statelessness better to its participants, a new cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been established for the 85th International Session in Brno.

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84th International Session in Trondheim & Røros

The 84th International Session of the EYP, which has taken place in Trondheim & Røros (Norway), has come to an end. During the Committee Work phase the participants discussed topics ranging from European foreign politics to Human rights. After working on their ideas, the proposed resolutions of the delegates were discussed and decided on in the General Assembly.

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EYP turns 30 – and will celebrate the anniversary throughout the year 2017

For many, the 30-year milestone means reaching a mature age, and that is also true for the European Youth Parliament network. As lively as ever, the network engages more than 35,000 young people in 40 European countries on a yearly basis, making its events and forums a hub for meeting young, passionate people and forming friendships across borders – as well as acquiring skills related to cultural awareness, self-assessment, and shaping actively society around them.

The 3...

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