Category News

How EYP influenced my career

We had an amazing opportunity to get in touch with three EYP Alumni who are currently working at different consultancy agencies and ask them about their work and their time with EYP. Here’s what Gillian O’Halloran (IE), Maria Heiss (UA) and Marko Fischer (DE) said:

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EYPers from around the network will visit Iceland for the first time

Einar Stefánsson, currently a student at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, got involved with EYP in 2012 and in 2015 started working bringing EYP to Iceland, his second motherland. We asked him a couple of questions regarding the plans and future developments of one of the youngest initiatives in our network.

What mo...

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An EYPer receives the Federal Medal of Merit!

An alumni of the European Youth Parliament has been selected to be honoured with the Federal Medal of Merit. On the occasion of the anniversary of the German Constitution Day (Verfassungstag), the President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is giving federal orders of merit to 24 people who have worked “for freedom, democracy and against right-wing extremism and violence”. Our very own Sophie Debrunner Hall is one of the two individuals from outside Germany who have been chosen to receive an award.

The ...

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