EYP Mentorship Programme offers young people an opportunity to be guided through some of the most challenging periods of their life, whilst simultaneously provides older alumni with an opportunity to give back to EYP and share their expertise with younger generations.
Mentorship can offer many things, especially to young people at the beginning of their studies or careers. Having a mentor can help you navigate your journey towards a successful career path and create sustainable changes that can be highly beneficial for you.
Who can apply?
EYP Mentorship Programme is meant for young people at their career transitions, such as finding the first job, beginning a job, changing careers, or setting up a business.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor, then you should have a minimum of two years working experience and motivation to participate in the programme.
More information here: www.eyp.org/EYP_Mentoring_concept.pdf
How does it work?
The first step is applying. Secondly, we will match you with a compatible mentor or mentee. Finally, you will, with our help, decide which are the most prominent challenges in your life which you would like to tackle with your mentor and how to do it.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor or a mentee and creating a mentoring relationship, which can be a meaningful and powerful asset to your life, please apply via https://infoeyp.polldaddy.com/s/eyp-mentorship by July 11th.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@eyp.org