Power Shifts Fund in Eastern Europe: This May 82 participants came together to discuss crucial issues in the energy sector at the Regional Session in Dnipro (Ukraine) under the motto “Heading towards safe, secure and sustainable energy”.
Have a look at this beautiful video made by the media team members of the Dnipro Regional Session Matviy Kotolik and Olya Tsykhotska where the participants explain why it is so crucial to re-think the Energy of our future.
“Energy is one of the most important things in our world. It’s not only our inner energy, which motivates us to act but also the energy as a resource. There are many problems the EU has in the field of renewable energy, but we believe that youth can make a change. We are those who understand, what humanity is supposed to do in order to improve the situation with energy and so, defend the environment and make our lives better.”