Opening Doors for the EYP

More and more EYP Alumni are helping the EYP to establish new partnerships – by facilitating contact with their institutions, or by establishing links with their networks. Such partnerships are important, as they provide much-needed resources for our activities, and help us to create long-term impact. We got in touch with Valeriia Cherednichenko (UA), EYP Alumna working for the UNHCR, to ask how she became a “Door Opener” for the EYP – paving the way for a very successful partnership that has now been ongoing for 2 years. Read here what she had to say…

How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

A moments’ catcher based in Today

Could you please share your impressions on your EYP experience?

EYP has been (and remains) a home for many warm memories, and gave me much more than improved English language skills or knowledge about Europe. EYP made me understand that we can all have our own opinions, express them without fear and become stronger together as the voice of the youth. Most importantly, EYP has given me friends I could never dream of. With some of them, we are in touch every day, with others, once in a year or two, but it is as if we never said goodbye, because we all have that common glue called EYP 🙂

What can alumni “give back” to EYP, and how can they open doors for EYP?

As an EYP alumna, I think we should all take a moment and take a look back to appreciate what EYP has given us, and also take a moment to think on how we can support the organization in return and for the future generations. I was very happy to work with EYP in my professional capacity at UNHCR. We have opened doors to this amazing world of EYP, support and common spirit of belonging to many young refugees and stateless persons across Europe. It was amazing to return to EYP in the capacity of an expert and see how youth is changing along with the Europe we live in, and I am talking in an optimistic way only. I believe EYP alumna capacity is unbelievably rich, so we should just take more time to look for the synergies that are already there, and who knows, what other fantastic projects will come out of such partnerships.

Do you have ideas on how your institution can partner up with us? Please contact our Executive Director Lukas Fendel.