The European Youth Parliament network is run by young people who jointly steer the organisation. The EYP councils allow more active members to be involved in shaping the EYP on an international level. This year, the councils met in different corners of Europe, proving how the EYP can be efficient in a mobile, rotating and decentralised manner. Find out more about the outcomes of the council meetings!
The EYP councils were introduced about six years ago to allow more active EYP members to participate in shaping the EYP on an international level. Each Council works on a specific area and with a specific set of tasks, in collaboration with the Governing Body and facilitated by the International Office. This year, for the first time ever, each Council meeting took place in a different corner of Europe, hosted by a Council member, proving how EYP can be efficient in a mobile, rotating and decentralised manner. What was at stake in each case, though? Let’s find out more details about the output of each Council meeting in Spring 2019!
The Safe Core Team, a newly established Council (chaired by Weronika Betta), came together in Amsterdam and worked out the details of the network-wide complaint mechanism. Furthermore, they came up with the content of trainings for the National and Event Safe Persons, and they started developing a guide on incorporating a welfare focus in session planning and officials’ work.
The Education, Outreach and Inclusion Council (chaired by Stefan Hadzovic) had its first face-to-face meeting in Vienna, where it was decided that for this term they would tailor their work according to the needs of each National Committee.
The Training and Member Development Council (chaired by Marta Sznajder) convened in Maastricht and came up with a plethora of guides and templates, mostly facilitating the smoothness and efficiency of T4ET as well as other similar capacity-building events.
The Media and Communication Council (chaired by Ali Okumusoglu) met in Prague and evaluated how we could best improve our external communication across the EYP network. The council also finalised the EYP Media Mission Statement and started working on the Database for EYP Media Output (DEMO).
The Development Council (chaired by Janis Fifka) held its meeting in Berlin and discussed the ways in which it can best support National Committees. Among the topics they elaborated on were National Strategies, Board Transitions, State of the Network Documents and more.
We are thrilled to see the progress that all Councils have been making and we wish all members to keep up the enthusiasm and high productivity levels. Thank you very much for your incredible work!
If you would like to get in touch with one of the councils, you can find their details on the Member Platform.